Location is an approximation


Go deeper into the Word of God
Teaching, worship, fellowship
Good coffee!


WORD. weekends and Bible Week at Otford Manor

The Word of God is as relevant as ever and in our series of WORD. events we aim to dive in and explore the depths of the Word, one book at a time, to let these significant texts shape and equip us for modern life. We will be setting aside time to respond to what we hear in prayer and worship. Also, there'll be good coffee.


The Word Became Flesh

WORD. events aim to present the teaching of the Bible in a very relevant and helpful way and help you to understand the way the Bible is written and structured. They will help you 'get under the skin' of the texts, learning what the Bible actually says; its relevance for us today, and how to explore it further.

These are not 'academic' workshops, but practical, down-to-earth studies. Our Bible weekends have proved very popular. We can assure you that you will not be disappointed in what you discover about the Bible and your faith over the period of your stay.

Oak Hall Weekends at Otford Manor

Our weekends start on Friday at 8pm and run to 3pm on Sunday.

Accommodation is in shared rooms. The cost of each weekend includes: accommodation, all activities, coffee and biscuits on the first evening and three meals on full days, as well as breakfast and roast lunch on Sunday.

Meals are served in our Tudor Dining Hall, where there is a welcoming log fire in cooler weather. We pride ourselves on providing the very best in traditional English meals and dishes from across the world.


WD16 - £103ProverbsView/Book ->
WD26 - £103MarkView/Book ->
WD41 - £103HabakkukView/Book ->
WD49 - £103RuthView/Book ->
Availability Key:
Independent Travel Remaining
Full but waiting list available
Place may be available on request
Places still available
A few places still available